Kevin Harrington literally invented the infomercial, and was one of the original Shark Tank members on the hit ABC show. Kevin has launched over 20 businesses that have grown to over $100 million in sales each, has been involved in more than a dozen public companies, and has launched over 500 products generating more than $5 billion in sales worldwide The guy knows business folks. In this show you will hear why Kevin credits Zig Ziglar’s book ‘Secrets of Closing the Sale’ as a primary tool that spawned his success. Why businesses need investment and capital now more than they used to, how audiences have shorter attention spans and want authenticity, why he considers us to be in a “gig economy” and an “idea economy”, how instead of employing people, he outsources much more these days and he wants to be known as the guy who helps others build their businesses. Connect with Kevin at . Thanks to Grasshopper Virtual Phone Systems (go to to get $20 off your first month), iFit Nutrition (go to for a free 14-serving bag of iFit Nourish mix and a shaker Bottle)
Source: Zig Ziglar
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